3 thoughts on “Matthew 8:25-26, No Fear!

  1. I’m not a girl, but I’ll still take that ‘Good Morning’ lol 😛 Anyways, I love the fourth quote. Is it ODB or OOB? What’s it stands for?

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    1. Lol 🙂 I just realized how unclear that post was, I was not trying to leave anyone out 🙂

      “Good Morning Girls” is the name of a Bible Reading Plan that I follow. More info can be found at: http://womenlivingwell.org/category/good-morning-girls/

      ODB stands for Our Daily Bread: http://odb.org/2009/04/21/thunderstorm-thoughts/

      I generally start most studies at the Precept Austin site (Love it, now that I understand how to navigate it). I pick the book of the Bible that I am working on from the “collections” menu on that site and then just start exploring from there. http://www.preceptaustin.org/

      And a big, “Good Morning” to you!

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