4 thoughts on “Philippians 4:8, Emphasize the Good

  1. I am going to have to blog about this myself because this verse is one I held onto when overcoming the darker aspects in my past. Some call it burying your head in the sand, some call it blissful ignorance or naiveté, some say it’s denial of reality…I call it overcoming the darkness and a way to survive.

    If we surround ourselves with perversity and darkness…at first we see it for what it is, but after a while when that is all you are seeing, suddenly that perversity and darkness becomes “normal”. There is a word for that and it’s called “desensitization”. When what is shocking and abnormal and wrong suddenly becomes just normal. One becomes numb to any shock value, what once was abnormal is now normal, and wrong becomes right.

    This verse is a lifeline to those overcoming the darkness, to those becoming sensitive again.

    Thank you so much for this verse doodle!

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